Providing tailored support for women in the Construction Industry in Ireland

Women in Construction Ireland

Women in Construction Ireland helps:

✔ Construction Companies

✔ Female Construction Workers

Empowered women build futures!


Construction site companies Women In Construction Ireland WICI

What we do

We provide bespoke support to contractors and companies within the industry looking to recruit, retain and provide support to women employees within their companies. This will help to reduce skills gaps and create a more gender-equal work force. WICI also provides support to women who wish to work in the construction industry.

Does your construction business struggle to support women?

Providing adequate services for females

Hiring suitable candidates

Struggle to retain female staff

Adapting facilities to suit female staff

Offering guidance for female staff

Career progression opportunities

We will help your business meet goals, increase gender balance and improve PR in a cost effective way that is tailored to your needs.

We support women in the Construction Industry

Women in Construction Ireland Limited is the first of its kind in Ireland. No other service company provides a service similar to WICI. WICI is a one stop shop for construction companies in terms of training, workshops, site visits, webinars and support to help them reach their gender balance goals and provide support to their current female employees.

While this service will originally be aimed at companies in Ireland, it is strongly believed that the service is needed across the world, with room for growth and reach available.

Construction worker female Women In Construction Ireland

Are you a woman in construction facing these issues?

Lack of confidence

Lack of motivation

Feeling secluded

Impostor syndrome

Lack career guidance

Lack female network

We will help you meet other women in the construction sector, connect you with construction companies and support you.

Our Help

Empowered female construction workers in Ireland Women In Construction WICI

Let’s lift the barriers for women in construction

Women in the construction industry face significant barriers, including gender bias, lack of mentorship, and limited access to career advancement opportunities. These challenges contribute to underrepresentation, lower retention rates, and a lack of diversity in the construction industry.

Women in Construction Ireland (WICI) is dedicated to supporting and empowering women in the construction industry through a comprehensive service that includes mentorship, professional development, and advocacy. We provide tailored workshops and offer specialized training to enhance skills and career growth, and advocate for gender equality through partnerships with industry organizations and initiatives such as the The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, we aim to increase the representation of women in all levels of the construction industry, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities needed to thrive and lead.

We offer the following services to help overcome issues faced by women in construction and businesses who operate in the construction sector.


We offer workshops on a variety of topics including:

  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Women in Construction
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Success Strategies
  • Leadership Strategies
  • Workplace Culture
  • Work / Life Balance
  • Women Support Women
  • Female Careers
  • Identifying Gender Barriers
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Encouraging Male Allies
  • Gender Balance
  • Inclusive Organisations
  • Facilitating Change
  • How to mentor and support

Site Audits

On site and office audits to ensure they are female friendly environments. We are here to offer helpful follow up support afterwards.

Guest Talks

Guest speaking at company’s events on a range of topics about women in construction , or topics agreed with companies.

Family Day

Offering an annual “Family Day” networking event for members. This event acts to connect construction workers nationwide and their families.

Jobs Board

Offering Construction Companies the chance to advertise jobs on our website. This will allow women see all construction job opportunities.

WICI "Proud Champion" Badge

Offering companies in the construction sector the opportunity to use the WICI logo and advertise they are undertaking steps to help female staff.


Women in Construction Ireland founder Joanne White

Joanne White

Founder of WICI

Joanne White is the founder of Women in Construction Ireland. Joanne’s interest in the construction industry started at an early age, with her father being a Quantity Surveyor. Joanne found that throughout her education in construction and into the industry, there was a lack of support available to her being, usually, the only woman in the room. Fast forward to 2020, and Joanne has a daughter. Joanne now wonders, if her daughter were to enter the industry, would she be treated the same? Would there be any of the missing support provided to her, 30 years later? In short, not much has changed. Therefore, WICI has been established to provide women in the industry with the support, knowledge and training they may require in order to make the industry.

✔ MSc Quantity Surveying

✔ MSc Construction Project Management

✔ BSc Building Surveying

✔ Nominated for Women in Construction Awards 2024

Society of Human Resource Management SHRM